
I'm Udaya,
A Front End Developer
based in India.

I am an exceptionally passionate developer eager to collaborate on exciting projects. If you have a compelling project that demands exceptional skills, I am here to bring it to life. Let's create something amazing together!


Companies I have worked for in the past and present.


Quantzi, Web Developer

I have worked as a web developer and contributed to various projects that involve creating and enhancing web applications.


Birbals, Web Developer

I have worked as a web developer, specializing in WordPress creating dynamic and responsive websites.


Halsimplify, Frontend Developer

In my present position, My role involves contributing to the enhancement and development of user interfaces within this innovative ERP system.

Philosophy & values

At our core, we embrace a philosophy that revolves around innovation, collaboration, and unwavering commitment to excellence, Our ideology is rooted in the belief that progress is fueled by creative thinking, adaptability, and a continuous pursuit of knowledge. We see challenges as opportunities to learn and grow, and our philosophy encourages a dynamic and forward-thinking approach to every endeavor.


With skills in over 3 different fields of Front-end Design, I am the perfect person to hire when it comes to a full fledged project. Whatever your needs are, I can pretty much take on any challenge.

Web Design

Transform your ideas into visually stunning and user-friendly websites.

Web Develop

Transform your concepts into functional and user-friendly websites.


Craft a compelling brand strategy that defines your mission, vision, and unique value proposition.

My Behance

Every Behance creation is crafted with dedication and passion. Explore my portfolio on Behance, and your likes and comments are truly valued and appreciated.

Follow me on Behance


This is what people say about me

Here are a few lines from people who I have worked with over the past 5 years in my design career.

‘’Working with Exceptional Developer was an absolute pleasure. Their expertise, professionalism, and attention to detail were truly exceptional.’’
Shakir Jahir John
Vice President, JJSoft Techno Pvt Ltd
‘’I think Udaya has an incredible gift. It has been an absolute pleasure to work with a designer of this caliber.’’
CEO, Thiranari
‘’The logo designer provided exceptional creativity and attention to detail, crafting a unique and memorable brand identity that perfectly captured our vision.’’
Freelauncher, Manupati


Here is a collection of my projects, My user-friendly project is designed to offer a seamless and enjoyable experience for my clients. The intuitive interface ensures easy navigation, allowing users to effortlessly engage with the application.

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Touch me

Now that you know a lot about me, let me know if you are interested to work with me.

Udayakumar .V
+91 8903311992
Chennai, India
Thank you! I'll be in touch with you soon.
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